Thursday, May 12, 2011

Packing...Holy Cow I'm a Senior...and then More Packing

I hate when blogs last forever and ever so mine will be very simple and probably not sweet. 

Last night was the last night I'd sleep in my bed for three months. Last night I realized I am a senior in college. Holy Cow where has the time gone. 

I've packed one of my suitcases which is all toiletries...because I'll admit...I'm very high maintence when it comes to what brands I use. I like special my friend Lisa would say..."I am very brand loyal." 

I am about to start on my second suitcase which will consist of all my clothes and shoes. I have no idea how I'll drag around two suitcases plus my backpack...but I guess that's part of the adventure. 

Tonight, Mike, Bear and I will leave CoMo for Naperville. The next 2.5 days will be made into the laziest days possible. 

My flight is at 5:45 Sunday night and I'll arrive in Brussels around 9:20 am. 

1 comment:

  1. Ah this is cute! im excited to hear about your avdentures! There will be moments that will try to bring you down but just remember your blessed for getting this opportunity and every experience you endure should be positive b/c you deserve to have a wonderful time and recieve the fullest potential from the trip. I love you! Be safe :) Post pictures of your beautiful self in Brussel. Cant wait to see!
